Nicot brown cell cups

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Drone Bee
Beekeeping Sponsor
Mar 1, 2009
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S Warwickshire, uk
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I used a Nicot cupularvae kit in 2018 successfully.

Do I need to renew all the brown cell cups when using it this year?

I've tried it once this year and the queen seems reluctant to lay in cell cups that were in place during 2018.

Tried direct grafting and think sticking with the nicot system will be more effective:)
They are so cheap (£5 for 100, less for chinese ones) not worth the bother of cleaning them up for reuse.
You can clean them: prolonged soaking in soda crystals + water... I cleaned 100 and it took about three attempts -and the queen laid in them.. well most of them.

If you have nothing to do in winter, it's worthwhile.
I also bought 100 new cups this year - and will use a mix of both.

It's one job you only do when you want to be bored stupid...:paparazzi:
They are so cheap (£5 for 100, less for chinese ones) not worth the bother of cleaning them up for reuse.

Appears to be where I'm going wrong. Grafting percentages have got worse each year as the cups have got dirtier! 100 new ones ordered.