NewBee in East Lothian

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New Bee
Mar 5, 2013
Reaction score
East Lothian
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Hi All,

I'm delighted to have found you all! I got my first 10 frames of bees back in August last year, put them to bed and waited. They made it through the winter and are now starting to enjoy the early spring sunshine. Question is can I remember any of the Beekeeping course from last summer and do whatever it is I'm supposed to do with them!?

So far my beekeeping experience has made me realise that the buzzy little blighters put the fear of god in to me! I've been stung and it's not that - it's the noise. Do you get used to it or do they settle down? I was told that they can be feisty in the autumn but would probably be calmer some spring when they're busy?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to sharing experiences and picking your brains over the coming months.

Happy beekeeping!

:welcome: to the forum :)

I find I'm concentrating so hard on inspections I don't really notice the buzzing.
Sometimes I don't even notice the stings...:eek:
Hi there.
The noise is lovely, part of the pleasure. Hopefully you will soon learn to enjoy it!
Use the sound as a guide, it will tell you the mood of the bees. If you've been too long with their hive open, you will often hear the note change and when they start revving up they are telling you to clear off ;)
The bees can and will be a bit intimidating at times but a contented buzz from happy bees is something to be enjoyed. We are in a very privileged position with 50,000 stinging insects allowing us to rearrange their home .... and I think it's only natural to be a little anxious at first.

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