New queen gone off lay

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Forester Doug

New Bee
Mar 24, 2019
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Last week there were only a few eggs in the hive some larva and some capped brood. I have checked this week and there is virtually no brood at all.
This is a new queen which I bought and re-queened a swarm with. She which was laying well. I have seen her and she seems fine, looks healthy.
Today I gave the hive some stores from another hive and fed them some Candipoline.
What could be going on, is a brood break from anew queen normal? Do I need to dispose of her and seek a refund as she wasn't cheap!?
What are the pollen stores like. If no pollen then you could try some pollen sub or pinch a frame of pollen from another colony. Check in a week.
What are the pollen stores like. If no pollen then you could try some pollen sub or pinch a frame of pollen from another colony. Check in a week.
Yeah pretty non existent, I have swapped a frame with pollen into them though so hopefully that will kick start her again?
Low on stores issue probably. I would feed syrup quicker response and then they can concentrate on fetching pollen. Have you checked for varroa?
I hope you are right. She had honey stores, but no pollen stores. She requeened a late swarm so has had a little disadvantage
Hi Forester Doug,
I would totally agree with Erichalfbee and the other member's advice. There is a serious problem in my neck of the woods at the moment with a lack of not only nectar but more importantly pollen. Without pollen the queen stops laying. I currently have around 70% of my colonies that have queens that have either stopped laying completely or at very much reduced lay rates.
I make up my own pollen patties rather than buying them in. They basically do the same job and provide the worker bees with the protein needed to produce 'bee food' to feed the grubs. I'll be putting pollen patties in all my affected colonies this week.
If it helps at all.......
Thank you all so much for your advice, now I just have to wait and see if it helps

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