Picked up a new hive with bees on Tues 8th June.
Was a long drive for the girls and me!! Oxford about 20 mins past silverston. Met Andrew, really nice guy, payed £220. He gave me some frames and a new floor for the first hive. Been raining and windy for two days now, seems the first hive has been busyer even though i know theres 3 times as many bees in the new hive. Been a nice day today both hives look happy and well.
Was a long drive for the girls and me!! Oxford about 20 mins past silverston. Met Andrew, really nice guy, payed £220. He gave me some frames and a new floor for the first hive. Been raining and windy for two days now, seems the first hive has been busyer even though i know theres 3 times as many bees in the new hive. Been a nice day today both hives look happy and well.