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National and 14x12 Nucs for sale in Paynes Polynucs: Collection from Manchester UK

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Queen Bee
Mar 19, 2009
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I've several national and 14x12 Nucs for sale, all in Paynes polyhives.
paynes poly nuc 14x12.jpg

They are my overwintered colonies headed by 2017 queens which have not only come through the winter/spring but are ready now to be transferred into a full sized hive.

All colonies were overwintered in my 3x3 nucs which is basically a double 3 frame nuc.
3FND hive.jpg

All queens are marked.
All queens were reared from my local stock. In 2017 the average honey yield from my production colonies was 150 lbs. In 2016 it was 140 lbs.
Colonies are easy to handle, and I manage them in a single 14x12 or a double national hive.
All colonies were managed for varroa in the autumn and again in the winter.

Please pm me or phone: 07740929304 for prices and any further details.
Now that is what I call a proper advert for bees, well done !
Only 1 national nuc left.
Still have some 14x12's
All Nationals now sold
A few 14x12's left
All are now sold or reserved.
Thanks for you interest.
Plenty of nucs now ready to restock with years round of queen rearing.
Nuc 14*12

Hi Eyeman,I bought a nuc off you last Tuesday for my wife , we have only just got round to transferring them today Sunday, I would just like to complement you on such strong healthy and calm bees. They were as advertised 5 frames of eggs lava and young bees and a really nice queen. Not one bee took any interest in either of us even though we dismantlement there home. They are a joy to work with for us as novices to the hobby, and i would recommend you to other people wanting to start beekeeping.

Thanks again ,George.
Hi Eyeman,I bought a nuc off you last Tuesday for my wife , we have only just got round to transferring them today Sunday, I would just like to complement you on such strong healthy and calm bees. They were as advertised 5 frames of eggs lava and young bees and a really nice queen. Not one bee took any interest in either of us even though we dismantlement there home. They are a joy to work with for us as novices to the hobby, and i would recommend you to other people wanting to start beekeeping.

Thanks again ,George.

Thanks again for the positive feedback George.
Glad everything went smoothly as it can be quite daunting starting off with your first colony. If you can make contact with a local beekeeper who is happy to act as a mentor then that would be ideal for your first season or join your local beekeepering club and go to their meetings. There should be some apiary meeting starting off about now.
Four 14x12 nucs and Four national nucs available, locally reared queens from gentle and productive stock. Supplied in Paynes poly nucs.
One 14x12 nuc available- Bees and frames only so buyer will need to bring own nuc or full size 14x12 hive.
Contact me on 07740929304 or pm for prices.
Do you have any this year's mated queens for sale please?

All my mated queens go into nucs to assess their worth. If their worth keeping I then use them to requeen existing stock or to overwinter nucs for sale in spring.
As all my queens are open mated I wouldn't recommend buying one as I couldn't guarantee their performance.
All nucs are now sold.
Thank you for your interest.
Full size National and 14x12 for sale

I'm selling off some of my production colonies as I'm stockpiling honey like nobody's business and have been doing so for the past 5 years. I just haven't the time to bottle it all. Will be concentrating more on nucs and getting them overwintered.
I have both British National and 14x12's which are in use as current production colonies..
These are strong colonies which are ready to go for this years main nectar flow from the balsam and willowherb. Varroa was manged last Autumn and during the winter with OA. Most have 2017 queens with some 2018 from my own local breeding programme. All queens marked and clipped.
Each colony:
Cedar brood box
11 frames of brood / stores
1 Dummy frame
Crown board

Queen excluder and honey supers not included but price negotiable.
Please either send me a pm or mobile 07740929304 for price and any further details.
Just wondering, why arent you splitting these down as necessary, adding queens and overwintering as nucs?
Full size nationals and 14x12 for sale

Just wondering, why arent you splitting these down as necessary, adding queens and overwintering as nucs?

I overwinter 45 nucs in double 3x3 and 5x5's. All are populated at the moment. Any spare queens from my last round of queen rearing go into my old single 3 and 6 frame nucs which get populated from my 4 queen rearing hives or from the brood of congested double nucs.
I don't need these full size colonies so I thought I would offer them for sale if someone wanted to start up this year. There are still a few left if anyone is intrested in starting up this year?
Ah that makes sense and im sure they will do fantastically well for whoever buys them.

Im in a similar situation. 40 double nucs (6+6 vertical) and around 20/25 full colonies but trying to slim them down as dont have time time for their management.
It's not so much not having the time to manage the full size colonies is not having anywhere to put all the honey. We have an outlet for 1500lbs / yr which involves bottling every 2 weeks which remains enjoyable; any more often then it's going to be a chore. We already have a conserable stockpile of honey hence the need to off load some of the production colonies.

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