my bees 8th Dec in London

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My girls were out in force by 10.30am this morning ... barely 9 degrees. By Noon it was manic and a real queue to get in and out. Creamy coloured pollen coming in, lots of new bees coming out and flying - I could tell the difference between these and the 'old hands' when they landed on the hive roof.

Tonight the temp inside the hive was 15.9 degrees C, humidity 81% ... outside temp only 7.2 degrees. Clearly either having a party or cooking the stuff they foraged today !
Hi thebhoy,
That would be grounds for divorce in my household! Hope it works and do let us know. Are you actually opening them up to feed outside the nuc indoors or have I misunderstood that? I looked after a baby thrush indoors for 14 days, but the house was gutted at the time and Ossie did not sting. Hard work that was!
Hi Beano,

trying Beano, trying, if that doesn't work I might have tell her I need to bring in the other three hives lol.

To feed, I take them outside and use a little water bottle drinker, free standing and holds about a quarter of a pint.....they quickly empty it.
Hi thebhoy,
Thanks for the clarification. A bit like toilet training the kids then! And who was it that told me they do it on command as a joke. Well, you have achieved the real thing!
One of my hives today at 2 pm. Most were flying but the poly hives were the busiest. It was more like early spring!
happy days :) ..... just hope we don't all get caught out with a a few weeks of hard frost or snow causing chilled brood and smaller clusters due to the winter bees out working and reducing their lifespan.