To relocate a hive:
1. Plan ahead
2. Check that there are no holes in the bb or floor big enough for bees to go in and out. (Specially if recently acquired.)
3. Check if a standard entrance block fits. (Again if you only just bought them the wood might have swelled so a standard entrance block wouldn't fit)
4. If entrance block doesn't fit, find a peice of wood the right length and slightly thinner. Wrap around with bubble wrap.
5. Get some cheap cargo straps. One is ok, 2 are better.
6. Get a crown board with feeder hole. Cut up a piece of plastic from an old milk container, and tape over hole with duct tape. Make lots of small holes with carving fork.
6. As late in the afternoon as poss, put on crown board with ventilation holes, strap whole lot together. ( Minus roof and supers if poss)
7. When you are ready to go, stuff entrance block into entrance, and secure with duct tape.
8. Lift bb onto trolley or carry away from site. As soon as you have moved 3 or 4 feet any flying bees will stay where they are. Amazing how they dont follow their old home!
9. If any bees follow they will alight on ventilation holes. Splash with water. They will go away. Pour water into hive through ventilation holes. This will calm the bees inside.
10. Take them to their new site straight away. Unstrap. Wait five minutes and flip out entrance block from behind hive and beat a retreat. The bees will fly out. But they will be too confused to have a go at you. (Might be a good idea to suit up).
11. Leave alone. Check after a few days. They will be as happy as Larry.
Job done.