Moving Bees to New Apiary and New Box

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House Bee
Apr 23, 2022
Reaction score
Donegal, Ireland
Hive Type
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I need to move 2 small 3/4 frame nucs back to the home apiary and transfer them into their new nucs. Typically one would just place the nucs with bees in the new apiary location, leave them a couple of days to orientate and then move them over to the new box. However, the new nuc boxes are part of a larger 6x6 frame homemade hive so not very movable. What is the best way to get the bees to the apiary and into the new nuc in one swoop. Should I close them in at dusk and bring them back and transfer straight away or should I wait until early the next day? Alternatively, I could put the existing nucs ontop of their new box, let them acclimatise and then move them over and they will then find the new entrance below?

I have to do this a few times over the next couple of weeks so want to get it right and not lose bees.
Typically one would just place the nucs with bees in the new apiary location, leave them a couple of days to orientate and then move them over to the new box.
no, it can be done as soon as you arrive at the new site
Should I close them in at dusk and bring them back and transfer straight away
That's what I always do.
close them in at dusk and bring them back and transfer straight away or should I wait until early the next day?
lose bees.
To make sure you get all bees, close at dusk and move the next day and as JBM said, no need to wait to acclimatise but transfer immediately. If you were to close at dusk, move to the new site and transfer the same night, you'll be chasing the light and bees will be defensive.