motorized radial extractors

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mark s

Field Bee
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
Isle Of Wight
Hive Type
Number of Hives
16 + 3nuc's
hi all
Im in the market for a new extractor this year and was considering a motorized one,in your opinions what should I go for ?? preferably radial.
I like my Giordan 8 frame drill driven extractor, bought from Agrinova.
There are several threads on here on this topic.

I have a Giordan 8 frame radial from Agri Nova and would highly recommend it.

I also have the Giordan 8 frame radial drill driven extractor from Agri Nova. I would also highly recommend it. I love it, so easy to use.
I note that you have 14x12's.

So do I.
One reason I chose the Park 9-frame radial, is that, with the addition of relatively cheap 'tangential screens' it will accept three 14x12 frames (not merely DN nationals), should you EVER want to extract any (best way of getting clean spare drawn brood comb!)
Another is that it is happy to take (9) Manley frames, if you wish.
Both these attributes are lacking from some/many "9-frame radials" (such as Thorne's otherwise doubtless excellent products).
For the really ambitious, the Park 20-frame radial (which will take four 14x12 frames tangentially) is not really much more expensive than the 9-frame.

Park's (seemingly pretty good) stainless steel metalwork comes from Lega in Italy and I'm sure turns up under other names as well.

The forum has, in general, been quite approving of the (fairly economical) Giordan electric-drill-powered extractors sold by Agrinova - but ISTR people advising that the drills they sell, though pricey are stronger than average, and hence worthwhile.
I'm really pleased with my Park, but even more pleased to have found it second-hand at a decent price!
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The Lega nine frame motorised radial is another good make of small extractor, takes nine shallow national frames radially, and fitted with the tangential screens it can also be used to extract standard national deeps, or three 14x12 frames, Maisimore seem to be the main agents for them in the UK.

Abelo also sell some reasonably priced motorized extractors.
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thanks all those who replied,ill check those suggestions out
Have been considering investing in the Giordan 8 frame radial for this year but then I have been telling myself I will get a new extractor for the past three years.
Well the Euro has dropped, factory price is 295 euro plus vat, if the uk distributor drops the price to reflect strong pound I'll prob get one too.
I'm referring to the Giordan 8 frame drill driven extractor.

Maybe we should try and get a bulk discount.

The 8 frame drill driven Giordan is on for that price if you google for "giordan extractor it should be about the first hit - listed as giordaninox. 295 euro plus VAT (22% in Italy) so about £260 but I suspect they won't export directly though I have not asked. Agrinova with delivery is £400 ish.
Not sure if other people are finding the same. I'm finally in the position to buy an extractor and want the giordon inox one. Product code 103 basically going round in circles emailing them they say contact argi nova.

It looks like clive has passed away so its being dealt with by another company. This might explain the rise in costs as I recokon with 50euro's delivery plus tax it should come in around the £307 mark (+customs charges). Everyone's selling them for £500 in the uk whooping £200 more!!

Anyone got any decent contact details for giordon as i'm getting nowhere fast....

You're right - got my sums wrong somewhere. Still,a big difference!

HH - shouldn't be any customs charges from Europe should there? Sorry no contact details but let us know how you get on.

Not sure if other people are finding the same. I'm finally in the position to buy an extractor and want the giordon inox one. Product code 103 basically going round in circles emailing them they say contact argi nova.

It looks like clive has passed away so its being dealt with by another company. This might explain the rise in costs as I recokon with 50euro's delivery plus tax it should come in around the £307 mark (+customs charges). Everyone's selling them for £500 in the uk whooping £200 more!!

Anyone got any decent contact details for giordon as i'm getting nowhere fast....

did you get anywhere ?

did you purchase one ?
The Lega nine frame motorised radial is another good make of small extractor, takes nine shallow national frames radially, and fitted with the tangential screens it can also be used to extract standard national deeps, or three 14x12 frames, Maisimore seem to be the main agents for them in the UK.

Abelo also sell some reasonably priced motorized extractors.

Bought the Lega 9 Frame motorised from MM at the show a few years ago and very happy so far. It has extracted approx 1.5 tonnes so far no problems.
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