I note that you have 14x12's.
So do I.
One reason I chose the Park 9-frame radial, is that, with the addition of relatively cheap 'tangential screens' it will accept three 14x12 frames (not merely DN nationals), should you EVER want to extract any (best way of getting clean spare drawn brood comb!)
Another is that it is happy to take (9) Manley frames, if you wish.
Both these attributes are lacking from some/many "9-frame radials" (such as Thorne's otherwise doubtless excellent products).
For the really ambitious, the Park 20-frame radial (which will take four 14x12 frames tangentially) is not really much more expensive than the 9-frame.
Park's (seemingly pretty good) stainless steel metalwork comes from Lega in Italy and I'm sure turns up under other names as well.
The forum has, in general, been quite approving of the (fairly economical) Giordan electric-drill-powered extractors sold by Agrinova - but ISTR people advising that the drills they sell, though pricey are stronger than average, and hence worthwhile.
I'm really pleased with my Park, but even more pleased to have found it second-hand at a decent price!