Making a Long Hive without plans ...

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I think some people need to get out more, I suppose with age change and experimentation becomes an uncomfortable process for some.

Longhive and poetry belongs together like the face and the nose. Age rasism included.
3 yrs later, and a bit of an update ...

Although I still have a few Long Hives housing 14"x9" frames, and which are proving ideal for the production of combs for donation, I very much agree with Goran's comment that the use of deeper frames is desirable - and indeed, during the last 2 years I've converted several Long Hives to take the deeper 14"x12" frame format, which has resulted in superior performance.



Delivered this winter for a planned long hive project. 50 jumbo lang frames in the sales!

Well having just a watched few videos of 'a Canadian Beekeeper's blog' maybe 50 frames isn't so mad after all! He seems to harvest honey when he's 7 deep langs high!
You will find that bees will not extend their honey storage, horizontally, by so many frames. So a waste of time, unless the beekeeper keeps moving full, capped frames to the rear.