Went to find another forumite's queens on Friday. The good news what that there were eggs and brood in both colonies, which they hadn't seen, and I found and marked one queen, but the other, disappointlingly, evaded me.
Today the Burt's Bees/Adopt a Beehive people came to film the artist's hive. The bees were queenless, and it was starting to rain, so they were a bit grumpy. I was talking about varroa and what was on the frames and took some stings to the neck and face because I had left my veil open and they had all crawled up inside. Doh.
In the afternoon some people from the recycling company came to look at the bees that are going to go to them. They said the bees were awesome. It is nice to introduce newbies to bees.
Today the Burt's Bees/Adopt a Beehive people came to film the artist's hive. The bees were queenless, and it was starting to rain, so they were a bit grumpy. I was talking about varroa and what was on the frames and took some stings to the neck and face because I had left my veil open and they had all crawled up inside. Doh.
In the afternoon some people from the recycling company came to look at the bees that are going to go to them. They said the bees were awesome. It is nice to introduce newbies to bees.