Late June gap & Bracken Spraying

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New Bee
May 9, 2009
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I've got 2 questions here:
1 - We've had 2 and a half weeks of B..awful weather. My new pckage were a couple of months old, putting down new brood, egg cells, pollen and some stores etc nicely, (just like in the book and as discussed at the newbeeks meeting! :hat: ) Well, after near constant rain & windy weather, during a brief hour of warm weather, I went in to check, there is still new brood, but all the pollen and honey stored on the brood frame had gone - bees were in the honey cells literally stripping them out. All work on the super foundation frames that they were starting to build comb on has stopped: they're leaving them alone. This was on Tuesday, I've given an emergency feed and I am going back within the hour to see if they need any more. Is this a late June gap or an early autumn do you think??

2 - Soo, I was telling the nice people from Natural England who are responsible for the moorland nearby, all about how my bees are finding the weather difficult - the person I spoke to said that butterflies were finding it tough as well. They then informed me that they were going to SPRAY :ack2: the bracken as it is taking over from the heather on the moor. They said it would be late August - when I'm due to be away for a week!! I live half a mile away from this moorland, help, any advice?? I am concerned, my girls are finding it tough enough as it is without being poisoned as well!
When I checked my hive yesterday all the food reserves in the brrod box had been used, so gave then 2 litres of sugar/syrup solution today. also may explain why there were some bees on the floor outside the hive recently that seemed unable to fly back in.
The point of checking yesterday was to hopefully add a super, but that's not going to happen this year now.:(