Just found a queen wandering about...

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Field Bee
May 9, 2016
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I just found a queen walking about near one of my hives. I believe they were superseding the previous queen, so I haven't been in for a couple of weeks. there was only one queen cell. On Monday there was a big fuss from that hive, which I think was the newly-emerged queen going on her mating flight.

When I picked her up on a leaf, she flew off, and I lost sight of her.

My feeling is that she failed to mate, or was poorly mated, and has been kicked out, but I need people to tell me that isn't the case. Please.
I just found a queen walking about near one of my hives. I believe they were superseding the previous queen, so I haven't been in for a couple of weeks. there was only one queen cell. On Monday there was a big fuss from that hive, which I think was the newly-emerged queen going on her mating flight.

When I picked her up on a leaf, she flew off, and I lost sight of her.

My feeling is that she failed to mate, or was poorly mated, and has been kicked out, but I need people to tell me that isn't the case. Please.

It is not the case...
I've just found her on the surface of my "Q- hive", which I was leaving to die out. There were all the symptoms of a laying worker (multiple eggs in the cells, far too much drone brood, no BIAS). I'd just done a pretty rough inspection, cleaning out some drone brood in the hope the few bees left would at least leave me with a few frames of drawn comb, ready for next year.

Turns out she's the one I put in there a couple of months ago (there's still the trace of a little yellow paint on her thorax), but who fails to lay, hence the ability to fly, presumably.

I feel like complaining to the people who sold her to me, but I suppose queens come with a range of caveats which means I will have no recourse.
If you bought her as a mated laying queen I would go back to the supplier without hesitation.
Before you complain to who you bought the Queen from have the bees had sufficient stores in the hive she was in, i had a new Queen start laying but then she stopped when stores where low, after feeding she is laying again but not as good as another two i have, but little is better than nothing i suppose.

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