is the worst over or to come

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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Had a look at my hives today and theres no sign of life :(
Theres enough food in there for them so i didnt open them but was hoping to see a bee fly or something,but then i didnt hang around long.
But my Question is, has the bees got over the worst of this wintering larky ?
Mine aren't flying's too cold at 5˚ and it's been raining but if I press my ear to the brood boxes I can hear a hum :)
It's forecast to be mild and windy for the next week with a short colder spell to follow. I don't know if we've seen the last of the freezing weather. We are, after all, only into the second week of January.
I can't put my ear to the hive , no point as i'm quiet deaf. I would be there all day trying to hear something lol
If they are on an OMF, look to see if there are fresh uncappings below the hive or on OMF tray - if so they are still chomping away through their stores!
They are on fondant now so i don't know if there would be any cappings.
I was worried about mine on SUnday as there was no sign of life and it was a mild day. So I did have a peek through the hole in the cb where I know the cluster is. I was greeted by lots of wiggling bums so mind rested I closed them up again. I expect yours are fine too.
I hope so :) Feels like forever waiting for the spring build up:toetap05:
Have a quick peek on a mild day - put your mind at rest. Hope all will be well.
I hope so :) Feels like forever waiting for the spring build up:toetap05:

you are more likely to loose them in March than January, just warms up a bit ,they queen starts laying and they run out of food

Cold:, IOW should be relatively mild, but some long range forecast have end Jan-Beginning of JAn cold with snow for central and NE, now now that could sort out weaker hives
I can't put my ear to the hive , no point as i'm quiet deaf. I would be there all day trying to hear something lol

When i said I couldnt hear anything from one of my hives ,, somebody suggested buying a cheap stethoscope off ebay.... I got one for £3.99 I think inc postage...... but whatever you do, dont put it in your ears and tap the end to see if its working.....
When i said I couldnt hear anything from one of my hives ,, somebody suggested buying a cheap stethoscope off ebay.... I got one for £3.99 I think inc postage...... but whatever you do, dont put it in your ears and tap the end to see if its working.....
That made me laugh Dishmop
MM the weather is a bit better here but were my hive are they are a bit exsposed to the wind chill. Not alot i can do really as it's not my land to start putting up wind breaks lol
I checked on mine in the dark the other evening, I shone a lantern up through the OMF and peeped in through the mouse guard. I was welcomed by seeing bees on the bottom edge of the frames in both hives.

But as has already been said there's still a long way to go.
That made me laugh Dishmop
MM the weather is a bit better here but were my hive are they are a bit exsposed to the wind chill. Not alot i can do really as it's not my land to start putting up wind breaks lol
Straw bales?
I can't put my ear to the hive , no point as i'm quiet deaf. I would be there all day trying to hear something lol

Quite deaf ??

More like stone deaf..
You have to shout above 40db for him to see your lips move!!

I never had much flying today either,just a hive of Buckfast's..
Everybody should be leaving the colonies alone. OK if you can see bees on the frames from the entrance or underneath, or a few flying. Any disturbance increases the risk of losing the colony. The cappings on the under tray should give an indication. Keeping the entrance clear of dead bees is one regular task anfd hefting is another.

The only exception should be feeding if they heft light. There is a long way to go until spring; give them the best chance of getting through. If they are a dead-out, it will matter not, at his point in time, and certainly nothing can be be done that will help them!

Leave them alone.

Look but don't touch, as my mum use to tell me when i was little lol.
If they are on an OMF, look to see if there are fresh uncappings below the hive or on OMF tray - if so they are still chomping away through their stores!

I moved my hive about 12ft a week ago and showed my missus the freshl cappings on the flag under the hive.

Also had a brief look under the fondant on Sunday ande saw several pairs of beady eyes looking back at me with a mass of black and yellow behind, so I put everything back and went off feeling quite satisfied.
I have left mine alone until oxalic treatment and will be leaving them alone till spring Regards Andrew

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