is my sieve/strainer too fine ?

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Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
sarf london/surrey
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 hives
I got one of these last year to replace one I melted original one in the oven during a '40 degree heat become 140 degree heat episode'

Farm & Ranch Bee Tools Stainless Steel Double Honey Filter Strainer Honey Sieve Beekeeping Equipment
by Farm & Ranch

the coarse sieve is quite coarse but the 2nd filter is soooo fine that the honey takes for ever to pass thru ... even when its been in a warmer and I end up stiring the heavy honey fraction that gets caught in the filter

did I get a bad sieve ?

what is your recommend one ?
If you’re using under the extractor then I’d say yes the fine filter would cause a bottle neck. However if using on Honey that’s been warmed with a view to filtering into a settling tank then no, your filter shouldn’t be an issue. On liquid we use a 200 micron strainer.
I use the same as above. Are you melting enough to remove crystals?
I use the same strainer but I have a coarse filter to take out the larger lumps of wax after extraction, then let it settle overnight and the double strainer does the rest. I find I have to scrape the finer wax out of the strainer fairly regularly though.
I use the cheapo nylon double strainer. The extractor has a nice coarse sieve and the cheapo does the rest. Usually goes through okay but another fine sieve would help on the times it gets a bit clogged.
I use the same one, but as I don't sell honey I only use the coarse filter in order to keep all the other good stuff (legs, wings and things) in the finished product.
Seriously though, I find the single filter does a good job on its own.
I got one of these last year to replace one I melted original one in the oven during a '40 degree heat become 140 degree heat episode'

the coarse sieve is quite coarse but the 2nd filter is soooo fine that the honey takes for ever to pass thru ... even when its been in a warmer and I end up stiring the heavy honey fraction that gets caught in the filter

did I get a bad sieve ?

what is your recommend one ?

As others, we use the same one with both sieves straight out of the extractor.
We got ours at the Honey show 2 years ago from Simon the Beekeeper, never had a problem with it, the finer one does back up a little but never so it will over flow.
We use a hot air gun to de-cap so don't have any cappings to block it.