Interpreting dreams.

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Queen Bee
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Suffolk/Norfolk border
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 ish
Last night I dreamt that my hives all swarmed in December. There were swarms everywhere.What does this mean?:confused:
and plainly thinking too much about bees, you need a hobby to take your mind off them!

To see bees in your dream (no matter what they do) symbolises wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss.

To see bees in your dream (no matter what they do) symbolises wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss.
Maybe but when first stung :eek: ,I used to live sleep and dream bees :)
Mental overload was my problem methinks :confused:
Last night I dreamt that my hives all swarmed in December. There were swarms everywhere.What does this mean?:confused:

All your hives swarming means you are going to lose all your money.

But bees don't swarm in December so it will not be this year. but soon.

Swarms everywhere means your money grew on trees and flew back to you .. multiplied..

So in conclusion you are going to be rich...

Give us a loan please..
Last night I dreamt that my hives all swarmed in December. There were swarms everywhere.What does this mean?:confused:

I think it means that we are going to have a heat wave in December, yipee..

Have you ever thought about working for the Metoffice...:)
A Freudian view is that this is wish fulfilment as a defence against anxiety.

You are suffering from bee withdrawal and desire for/fear of a superfluency of bees. Behind it is a fear of being bee-less - a sort of castration anxiety, as the queens flee.

And the sting?

That'll be £60 sir.

I'll give you my card.
What creativity! not worthy Which interpretation to chooose?

Slightly worried about the castration anxiety?

Ooooo Caz thats an interesting one.

Depends on what you believe. If you believe dream foretell stuff it can mean something and of you dont - well it just means you were dreaming.

Dreams are influenced by noises around us in our sleep, and also what we may have eaten but I was asleep on my sofa once. Long Story. Anyway I was asleep and suddenly I was at the back door. There was smashing glass and a big bloke was stood there and had just broken in. I freaked woke up and could not get back to sleep. An hour or so later the Police arrived and went to my neighbours house. Some people had broken into his garage and climbed in through a window that led into his house. Robbed him blind. Had I heard the glass breaking in my dream and incorporated it. Unlikely as they didnt break any windows they just cut them out.

Another time I was asleep on the sofa and something slapped my arse so hard it woke me up. Im not sure if it was in my dream or it actually happened or what. I looked at teh clock and it was 3 am. Frightened me to fu to sh well a lot. Anyway finally I drifted off after a few hours of watching telly and turning all the lights off. I used to park my car quite a way from the house. Anyway about 4pm that day a copper came to the door and asked if I had seen the state of my car. Door was all folded down glass all broke. Where it had been broken into. They had managed to arrest the lads. They had started somewhere in the west of cornwall and stolen several cars to make it all the way to near bude. They had tried mine but could only fold the corner of the door down. She asked me if I had heard anything around 3 as thats when they were doing it to my car.

So as for your dream what is important is how you felt when you had it. Fear, anger, frustration or loss. You need to remember as that sets the tone. All your hives swarming could mean loss of control about a situation or a sense of release, freedom. Until you remember the tone of the dream you wont know what you had it for.
I dream about my bees all the time. Most common theme is removing the crownboard and realising that I haven't got any protective gear on:eek:.

Personally I don't set much store in dream interpretation. Dreams may well be the brain's way of re-playing pertinent themes or whatever, but I don't see a great deal of worth in trying to use the intrepretation to achieve anything in waking life.:)
I dreamed I was eating a pillow, and when I woke up my giant marshmallow had gone.

I think that this is an omen that all the EU is going to collapse and that all the illegal immigrants are going to emigrate back to where they came from or a warning of what will happen if you use carnica queens. Take your pick.
Best regards
Time is honey!
you are going to get 25,000 individually wrapped bees in your christmas stocking.....
What creativity! not worthy Which interpretation to chooose?

Slightly worried about the castration anxiety?


Unless I am tragically mistaken, you should be quite safe from that particular anxiety !

I would be more concerned about you dreaming about returning to your bedroom with a carving knife in your hand and calling out for John. - (Lorena Bobbet.23 June 1993)

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