I have done it!

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New Bee
Jun 13, 2010
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Fanfare please. Forgive the excitement but I have just completed my first AS - yes, achieved! What a nerve wrecking experience, which wouldn't have been possible without my in house trainee (Mr Pookiesbees). I cannot convey the pleasure or sense of achievement - please let all go well. Thanks for the threads which explain so much to we newbees, and isn't life great?:nature-smiley-013:

Not quite, yet!

With just the one colony, I would hope you left two queen cells? If so, you need to be aware of the tasks required to complete the A/S viz: checking for further queen cells and shifting the parent colony to the other side of the A/S part (as close to emergence time as you can reliably achieve).

For a one-colony beek, I would recommend making a split as well, if wanting increase. Two chances of getting a decent queen is better than one. If you intend re-uniting, it matters not.

Why leave 2 q cells and risk a cast ? Also with regard to moving the parent colony to the other side of the AS, how should i do that when my AS is on a double hive stand and the other part of the stand has an existing colony on it already? Hope my questions are clear, if not i'll try to explain further. Thanks, Nuc.
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Why leave 2 q cells and risk a cast ?

I could answer (actually I did spell it out in my post, to almost all?)

Perhaps you might answer this question: If they leave one and it fails, where does that leave them? I think it would be hopelessly queenless, but you obviously have a better answer?

Regarding the move, does it really matter where to? The reason for moving it the other side of the parent colony is clear enough and moving it a hundred metres would have the same effect. However, moving it the minimum effective distance was the obvious reason, as far as I can see. Moving it a metre would not suffice!
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well done pbees. I remember doing my first AS last year and it was definately daunting. someone kindly sent me this link and it is still on my tool bar for when i need it! http://www.cornwallhoney.co.uk/beepedia/artificial.htm

Just another little bit of advice - you may have been told, if so apologies, but keep a really close eye on the stores now. I had one get into near starvation, even though i thought i had enough stores.

Thanks oliver90owner. I'm afraid there are occasions when i need it spelling out. Thanks for your time and consideration, it is appreciated, Nuc.

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