All this ............... about over £10 worth of frames.
That may be so, but there are more to it than that.
There were multiple supers, - only twelve frames shown, so there may be quite a few more out of shot. The boss might be the wife, holding the purse strings! And some honey into the bargain.
I agree that if provenance is not known - destroy. This little lot could amount to nearly half a hive in value. As I said earlier, if they were used by the mentor and the bees were from the same source, there is no real difference. Just have to be sure.
Further, they are not 'in the flat' and there are no delivery charges. Foundation is not only provided but drawn too - a considerable cost benefit to the beekeeper and of considerable benefit to the bees come next spring.So I am with Hegeebee and Adam.
I would be looking after this cleaned-up comb in a stack over the winter with regular checks, certan spray, regular sulpur burning or ethanoic acid fumigation. If is useable it is a valuable commodity.
Just can't see why the mentor did not supply the options for use and explain the pros, cons and anything else at the time of sale.
Regards, RAB