how much do you spend on your bees 2

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how much do you spend on your hive per year.

  • treatments

    Votes: 63 75.0%
  • wax

    Votes: 37 44.0%
  • new frames and wax

    Votes: 55 65.5%
  • a new super

    Votes: 11 13.1%
  • new super's

    Votes: 27 32.1%
  • new roof

    Votes: 15 17.9%
  • new floor

    Votes: 15 17.9%
  • all new kit

    Votes: 10 11.9%
  • diy so just materials (free)

    Votes: 20 23.8%
  • diy so just materials (paid)

    Votes: 29 34.5%
  • a replacement queen

    Votes: 22 26.2%
  • a crownboard/clearer board or excluder

    Votes: 11 13.1%
  • no expenditure at all

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • other (please leave comment)

    Votes: 6 7.1%

  • Total voters
In the first year more than I thought I would but the first jar of honey made it worth it
Must admit I'm struggling to make sense of this. "How much" presumably means "What are you spending your money on". And are we talking about what happened in 2011, what we expect to happen in 2012, or life in general?
I don't get it either - please state what it is we're voting for!

I spend as little as possible. This year so far about 1/3 of my annual income.
this is only my my second winter and i stopped adding up there now when i hut the thousand pounds mark! :eek:

my second winter and about 1500 quid later,i am now 6 brood boxes short of 24 complete hives ,15 with bees in and 8 nucs
So hard to answer. You seem to want to know how much but the poll seems to ask what items did you buy?
The answers for an established beekeeper will surely be different from those of a newish beekeeper?
Just starting my 3rd year. In year -1. I spent on preparation - plants, reusing paving slabs etc. To start, year 1, must have been £400 for equipment for 2 hives plus all the rest. I joined 2 BKA's for various reasons and bought books - say another £50 and then bees £80. The beginners starters kits look expensive but unless you can create your own frames from scratch do save money - but you may get poorer quality in parts and wax. Treatments, petrol costs, show entrance costs, starter course must add almost £100.
Year 2 must have been about £140 - adding a third hive and some spare bits, jars and labels. Had gifts of an extractor and a garden trolley and got a swarm from my BKA.
Starting year 3, I have sufficient of most things so I hope for minimal expenditure but yearn for a shed. Minimal expenditure = some new wax foundation, some bee candy and sugar.
My income from honey has been about £30 but I have given honey as gifts and for some of these would have spent money on something else. Hopefully this year more honey will produce a greater income. I will hope for another swarm or possibly split a colony - it should be consolidation year. If you like keeping your bees you almost lie to yourself - and almost certainly misrepresent to a partner - because I cannot see that any hobby beekeeper can really make money. I am eternally grateful my OH is fulfilling a dream of having a model railway (his father died at the end of WW2 when he was only about a year old so he remembers the train envy of his youth) because his hobby costs him a lot (I don't ask for details in case he asks me for my budget) and he has no income at all from his.
BTW some people are really glad you have a hobby so they can buy you bee related items or gifts.
i try and keep costs down as much as possible,all my frames are from t*ornes sale,i have just made 12 roofs and 12 stands from salvaged tounge and groove,cut off the tounge and groove,jointed all the pieces and it cost me nothing,there is always someone throwing unwanted wood away
im sorry r2 i must have missed your post i do appologise.

my idea behind the poll was to understand what most beekepers sped their money on not the exact figures as those vary greatly with bulk or opertunisitc buying .
for example from the poll it seems as if about 3/4 of everyone is paying for treatments
over half are getting wax and frames
and 1/3 are doing it mostly diy.
it is just a query which has bothered me as i wondered if i am cutting the same corners as everyone else. or indeed if i consider essential spends in a similar ways to everyone else.
i am not sure if this covers your question but i hope it does and i will keep a closer eye on the thread incase i have missed the mark with my answer.

i hope this addressed birchdale's query aswell.
my idea behind the poll was to understand what most beekepers sped their money on not the exact figures as those vary greatly with bulk or opertunisitc buying .

Yep, just did a price comparison on a roughly €400 order from a couple of different suppliers, difference was €50 between cheapest & dearest, and I could get it down another €20 by mixing & matching between suppliers!