How long until foundation goes 'stale'

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Sep 7, 2013
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Hi all, left over from last season (when I started with a nuc, in July), I have a few BB frames made up with foundation, which have been stored in a cardboard box (so, dark, dry conditions). I also have at least one unused/unfinished pack of super foundation. This all looks and smells fine to me ... but then again, I am not a bee !

Is it advisable to use this foundation ? Should I expect any problems getting the bees to draw it ?

Just prepping, as I took the informed decision to inspect last weekend, as my ladies have been going mad over the last three weeks. My 14x12 BB was looking very advanced, with c.a. 3 full frames of stores, masses of BIAS, and even decent amounts of nectar (from where ???) ... So am thinking of next actions, as April approaches.

Thanks in advance.

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They will use it but if it has gone a bit hard/dry spray it with some sugar syrup before you put it in.
It should be fine and good for many years. What some people do if the foundation is very old is run a hot hair dryer over it to liven it up but I don’t know if it works.
I have seen bees fall off new foundation, so I guess anything to make it a bit more grippy would help them in drawing it out.
I found a pack of wired brood foundation in the back of my stores cupboard that was over 20 years old!! It was very pale and looked as if it had been dusted with flour.
I put it in frames and wafted a hair dryer over it - the flour look disappeared and the smell of warm wax (lovely) returned - the bees loved it.

Don't bin it - try it - the bees will tell you if it is acceptable.

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