How long does it take to build a flat-pack national?

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This is a sad day for me Drex. I gave you two plastic frames a couple of years ago for a trial and you you persist with antediluvian practices with nails, splinters, gummed-up grooves etc etc.
How long did it take you to build a flat-pack national hive??

- the roof
- the frames
- the stand
- the brood body/super

I need to know much time to dedicate to build each bit! Thorne said use a whole afternoon, accurate?

Not as long as it takes me to pull them apart when I realise that yet again, I have made a mistake.
I wish I had instructions or saw a video when I put my first together!! I think I made most of the possible mistakes all in the first attempt. Including putting the plastic runners in the bottom bee space instead of in the top and then wondering why the frames protruded!

I recommend using a crown board to check the squareness of the box as it is exactly the size of the box as well as being the only part that doesn't need assembly so you can't get it wrong.

Don't slither off to the shed to build the first one, do it in front of the other half, avoiding the "what? you have only built one box, but you have been out there for an hour?"
WGBA teach new beekeepers how to assemble frames and fit the foundation, we are lucky that our meeting place has a full woodworking room with benches and that supplies our association apiary with enough fresh frames for the year (except this year, too many supers required)

agree with above, make a little jig from some scraps as this will half production time trying to get it square.

Plastic fantastic........Not for me
Dowels...................Why? If constructed properly they will never come apart
Use a paving stone to put the boxes on to make sure they sit flat..and if you have two paving stones..put the other on on top while the glue sets.
Many many many thanks for the Qx tip re getting the 'box' square - Has been a bugger for me despite squares and braces etc., always off ... Hopefully next construction will square up - thanks again.
Many many many thanks for the Qx tip re getting the 'box' square - Has been a bugger for me despite squares and braces etc., always off ... Hopefully next construction will square up - thanks again.

Its one of the best uses for the plastic-sheet QX that came with a Paynes hive 'set'.

I particularly used mine when making up some twinwall polycarbonate coverboards. Usefully, my glue doesn't stick to the plastic QX!