How is the Rape looking

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We have some here which is starting to spot with flowers all over.
Whilst looking at it yesterday 2 adult Roe deer kept appearing and disappearing as they wandered through it, its well above knee height. 2 weeks I reckon to full field coverage and a sea of yellow so fingers crossed the daytime temps creep up enough for nectar to flow and that heady smell.:welcome:
We are still a way off down here some flowers appearing but only from spring sown stuff mixed in, self seeding volunteers but the autumn sown stuff is now moving fast, i had a chat to one of the farmers yesterday he reckons it will be in full flower late April early May which should be just right for me, i will start to move some bees in a couple of weeks or so but looking good so far.
The Rape is looking very poor in our area lots of bald patches and what is left is not looking too healthy, i know it can come round again but its the worst i have seen it for a few years, how is it looking where you are guys ?
most farmers down here not growing it this year because of bad crops.
Seems to be doing ok, no where near as advanced as last year but plenty of it. Pigeons have been loving it, few bald patches but soon as the sun comes out they can't eat it quick enough.
Seems fairly popular here, big flat fields. For the first time since I have lived in the village I have it on the fields next door and across the road.
Just 4 crops around here, sugar beet, wheat, OSR and field beans.

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