Housing a swarm

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Jul 26, 2015
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Any guidance on housing a swarm? Each year I put out a swarm bait box (old wooden national with a dark-used brood frame). A swarm occupied it this year (first time in 10 years). The following day it absconded before I could deal with it. How would I have managed the swarm if it had stayed? - same box? - transfer to a good box? - how do I add more frames? I cannot find much in my books about the process.
Any guidance on housing a swarm? Each year I put out a swarm bait box (old wooden national with a dark-used brood frame). A swarm occupied it this year (first time in 10 years). The following day it absconded before I could deal with it. How would I have managed the swarm if it had stayed? - same box? - transfer to a good box? - how do I add more frames? I cannot find much in my books about the process.
Much the same as collecting a swarm but without the 1st step of knocking them into a box!
Shake them into a hive on the desired spot. Gently lower in your frames - they will climb up them.
To prevent absconding some people add a frame of open brood, or put a queen excluder underneath the box to prevent the queen from leaving. Obviously this creates a problem if the swarm is headed by a virgin and also traps drones, so remove it within a few days.
Can you think of anything they would have objected to about your bait hive?
The bait hive was OK and located under a tree on a 1.5m dry stone wall - probably not an issue. Grateful for your advice to treat the same as swarm collection (which I have experience of) and to add a frame with open brood.
The swarm was small and not mine and it absconded into the Queenless half of a swarm prevention split. Nearest other beekeeper is 2miles.
Any guidance on housing a swarm? Each year I put out a swarm bait box (old wooden national with a dark-used brood frame). A swarm occupied it this year (first time in 10 years). The following day it absconded before I could deal with it. How would I have managed the swarm if it had stayed? - same box? - transfer to a good box? - how do I add more frames? I cannot find much in my books about the process.
Very simple...

First you give a box full on foundations
If you a frame of brood or ready comb, give it next wall. A swarm tend to find its place next to wall and the queen is there.

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