Honey colours

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New Bee
Jun 5, 2013
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Scottish Highlands
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I'm just extracting the two supers of honey I got this year (the most ever, and still part-filled heather supers to come). Are there any charts available showing the different honey colours from different forage? It's ranging from dark and rich (first of the heather that came in before I took off these supers) - to really, really bright almost lime-yellow, quite fruity-tasting stuff. There was a field of phacelia and red clover planted within half a mile of the hives this year (clover's still going) - could the yellow be from the phacelia?

But I've also had a couple of frames of very pale honey, almost translucent. I was extremely careful this year about feeding. They got a little drop in the spring because of the awful weather, but they actually got very low on stores again mid-summer (was obsessively monitoring), before the sudden flow that filled these supers. I'm trying to separate out the different colours, and I've kept this pale stuff to one side just in case. But is there anything that produces such pale honey?
Keep a jar from each extraction over the years you can see how colours and consistency differs. Label them with the year

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