Hello from the North

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Jul 31, 2012
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Too cold up here to inspect the colonies so I am relying on behaviour to reassure me that all is well with my bees. They are active in the few warm hours we have, towing in sacks of pollen!

Couple of questions: one of my colonies is weaker than the other. When I checked on their candy supplies I found loads of dead bees on the crown board. Can someone tell me what is likely to have happened? I peeked under the crown board and many alarmed bees appeared so they are still there and they are taking candy.

On this same hive the hive wall under the entrance is plastered with muck - what is going on here?

Wish me spring - we've hardly managed afternoon temps in double figures so far, apart from a few days after Easter and then the snow came back :(

When you say plastered with much do you mean bee poo. Brown streaks ?
If the answer is yes then they probably have nosema, if that is the case then urgent action is required.
Weak colony dead bees and staining around the entrance all fits.

Search the forum there are some good threads on what to do.
It's going to be warm this week so you might have time to sort it.
If the colony is small a nuc might be required.

Good luck with them nosema is a pain.
Could be Nosema if your description of muck once clarified is as Nigel describes. Could also be that Queen has died and colony is now eating candy but has no obvious role and is likely to die out. If so you have few choices for this colony given the weather conditions you describe as too early for a replacement Queen and even if you could raise one, you have no drones to mate with her. Given your description I think you need to fear the worst for this colony, though I do hope I am wrong!!
Well we've had a couple of lovely warm days now and I've managed a full inspection. Sadly the poorly hive is indeed dying out - no queen, no brood, a small remnant of the colony.

My other hive seems happy so fingers crossed for a good summer and an increase in my colonies.

Thanks for your replies both.

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