Ling still not in flower in most of my main locations. No more advanced than it was 2 weeks ago, in fact it has looked to be 2 weeks off flowering since middle of July. Bell pretty much past now, but still yielding in a handful of places. In those places it should have been more or less finished 3 weeks ago and the ling should have been in flower at least a fortnight by now. Still not anywhere near a major flourish. Maybe it just aint going to happen, as in some places the flowers are going brown even before opening. Grim.
Visited 6 places today and got soaked to the skin for my efforts. Said to have been nigh on 50mm of rain during today in Aberdeenshire. Of course that would be my key heather area. Most places still have nothing, and the earliest sites have now been on the moors for over 5 weeks and not anything more than a 'stay alive' amount having come in.