Essential reading for anyone. Forget the dated style.... those guys knew there bees and were incredibly observant. Not read the others (yet) so cannot comment but would think if Jenks recommends them they will be worth reading.Practical Beekeeping - Clive de Bruyn
then maybe some Golden Oldies - still worth reading decades later
'Beekeeping in Britain' and 'Honey farming' both by ROB Manley
Practical Bee guide by JG Digges
'The Introduction of Queen bees' and 'Swarming - it's control and prevention' by Snelgrove
I wouldn't recommend Hooper for someone just starting beekeeping as to0 dated now and mistake ridden. For someone just starting beekeeping they won't have the experience or knowledge (yet) to identify which bits are good and which are bad.
Actually the BBKA guide to beekeeping isn't bad...as starting guides go.
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