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House Bee
Jul 15, 2010
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
3 swarms, 1 14x12 nuc, national nuc
Having found my queen dead on Sunday I phoned one of our association members who said to leave it with him. Yestererday he came round checked the hive, thinks there is a queen inside (supercedure)because of the amount of pollen being collected. We decided to take no chances and he gave me one of his queens from last year which we put in.

Price --- nothing

So for any new beekeepers please join your local club as there are some great people out there to help you.

Very kind gesture, but isn't that a bit dangerous if there is a supercedure - I'm presuming one will kill the other and the victor may be damaged or rejected? Or am I missing something as per?
What happens when you introduce a new queen, if there is already a queen in the hive (supersedure).

A Fight to the death ? :sport-smiley-002:
Yes there may be a fight too the death if another queen is in there, but I dont believe there is, also if I dont have a queen then my hive just dies. I will say this, my hive is full of bees at the moment and the new one would have died as it was from a failing hive. I would rather be on the safe side than not.
I will say this, my hive is full of bees at the moment and the new one would have died as it was from a failing hive.

I'm a blonde, can you run that one again please as I don't understand what you are saying?

What happens when you introduce a new queen, if there is already a queen in the hive (supersedure).

A Fight to the death ? :sport-smiley-002:

So long as one survives, what is the problem? At least the hive will be viable; tother way it could fail. Safety first is better.
Just saying that without a queen my bees would have bee done for and where the spare queen came from was short of bees(failing tiny nuc) so although there may be a fight (two queens) my hive should survive. I really dont believe supercedure has occured.
Ahhh, see, I said I'm a blonde, I didn't realise you had two colonies, one strong and one weak.

I am assuming from your description no frames have been checked for brood or eggs relying on amount of pollen.
So how did you introduce the new queen into the hive.
So long as one survives, what is the problem? At least the hive will be viable; tother way it could fail. Safety first is better.

my statement was a question as i was unsure, i thought they may fight, dose a hive never eject a queen like they do with drones?
Yes Owen that’s right if a queen already present and a new queen introduced the workers will kill the new queen
Its still to cold to check the hive, I checked my hive report from last year and she was making queen cells in September which I removed. Last Thursday they were bringing lots of pollen in, found the queen dead outside on the Sunday and no pollen being brought in. Yesterday pollen was being brought in. But we decided to err on the side of caution and put the spare queen in. I didn't have one but the other club member had a very small failing nuc which he said I could have the queen from.
Yes queen cells last September would suggest supercedure as to why the cells were still present last Thursday I don’t know perhaps they failed. So last Thursday did you see any brood as you must have checked the hive.
And how did you introduce the new queen if you have done so.
I removed all the queens (i believe) last september, and yesterday basically we put her in match box with the side just a tiny bit open to see if the bees were interested in her over the crown board top through a hole in the fondant. She then got out whilst we were checking it and went staight down between the frames. It isn't the best way but when the devil drives the needs must.
Ok interesting lets see how it goes keep us informed good look.

I bet you have lost sleep over this it has that affect
Your not kidding, thought I had done everything right. Didn,t take any honey last year, fed them up, did the oa treatment and when I saw them flying and collecting pollen at the begining of Feb I thought I had got them through the winter. But S..t happens and luckily I was helped out. Now just waiting to see if the new queen appears dead outside. Fingers crossed. Nice day today,but cold and no activity yet.

The mistake here if mistake there was. Was to ignore the significance of queen cells in Sept. Thinking about that, why were you doing a full inspection in Sept?

Not that common to swarm in Sept but not unknown either I suppose.

Sup cells can be tricky to distuighish from swarm cells but tend to be fewer and very central on the comb. If they have them just leave well alone and let them get on with it provided there are still drones about.

I would not have offered a mated queen at this time, too early I think, and would have waited at least until a reasonable day and checked the status first.

The new queen still hasn't been kicked out yet, so it appears to have been Q-. But I surpose there is time yet as it has been to cold for the bees to fly the last couple of days.
Its been nearly two weeks now since the new queen was put in and she's still in. Had a quick peek under the crown board yesterday and bees are on 10 frames. So it must have been the right decision to put a new queen in, they have been extremely busy the last couple of days.
Was the queen you introduced two weeks ago marked?

If so then the true test will be when you inspect and you perhaps see her or another queen the one that may have been present all the time?

If it was me I would on the next warm day remove one or two central frames and hope to see brood and this will confirm that you have a queen.

The bees covering 10 frames and plenty of pollen is a good sign and what looks like a strong colony.

Good look

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