Good Weather prediction Web site's / Apps

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House Bee
Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
On an island
Hive Type
Having a good reliable weather prediction is always handy, been using a website called Meteo Earth for a while now and even with our unpredictable weather on the south coast of Ireland it is surprisingly accurate. You only get two days forecast on the free version but least it's some bit trustworthy.

Depending on your computer processing power and Internet connection speed try not to overload the map by having too many of the information options selected at once.

Anyone know or use similar Sites / Apps?
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i use Accuweather on my phone, it predicts the possibility of rain in the next two hours to the minute, it has rain radar, four days ahead weather but you need an encyclopedia to get to some of the info as they are in obscure places on my version The latop version has more info
Look to see what the local glider club uses...

At Kenley we could only have an accurate prediction for 2 hours ahead... four hours was considered not accurate enough.

I now put my trust in the seaweed hanging by the back door!

Yeghes da

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