gold heads

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New Bee
Jan 1, 2016
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hi can anyone tell me why some of my bees have started to have gold heads and upper bodies as the bees which i started with had not? cheers ken:sos:
hi can anyone tell me why some of my bees have started to have gold heads and upper bodies as the bees which i started with had not? cheers ken:sos:

Are you sure they have gold heads?
If it was just abdomen colour then I would say you are seeing the results of different patrilines; the different drones the queen mated with.
Gold heads though.......hmmmmmm?
Hi Kendo,
Seen some that are very golden on the heads on the net. EricA is correct you got some Italian genes there.
agree sounds like pollen.
some of mine are home in an orange / gold colour, last month yellow
Ah brilliant, got a mass of it close to us, penny has dropped
gold bees

hi i opened the hive yesterday and some of the bees had gold bodies defo not pollen so what are they?
if you get chance to get a photo of one it would speak a thousand words !
How very dare you insult wasps !

Yeghes da

I have to be careful what I say here as a new beekeeper JBM and my self are training is Italian, I nearly slipped up before but think I go away with it..... Well actually I didn't and had a ear bashing and quite right too but it was only a bit of fun on both sides. :rolleyes:

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