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I get a free supply of Nitrile gloves, after reading this thread I'll start wearing them for my bee keeping.

ECP _Euro Car Parts - do a very good line in nitrile gloves with free delivery. Much tougher than surgical.
I only wear a beejacket and no gloves. I save gloves for really nasty colonies, or upset ones.

Something vaguely sensual about the feel of bees crawling over your fingers.. although Avon Skin So Soft tends to dissuade them...

Used to use that to keep flies away at summer horse shows. Not sure what it is but something in it puts them off!
All this no glove stuff is ok until you get really really bad tempered bees like one of my hives last year. They stung through shirt and beesuit not to mention gloves and anywhere else they could get, my veil was covered in a matter of minutes after opening, wouldn't have liked to encounter that without plenty of protection - beware!
I use gloves from Omlet, and although I am not too keen on their Beehaus their bee suit is superb quality for the price. I just wish they did a fencing mask version.
good chance im wrong, yet I think it might be due to bees do not like dark colours so black could be a bee magnet.

If i'm wrong i'm wrong just don't tar me over it !
wearing gloves on the whole is to provide sting protection, however I use them as to keep my hands clean so if needed I can pick up a queen, with sticky propolis it's difficult plus everything at home you touch becomes cover in it.
Of course with an agressive colony gloves are a necessity, and I would recommend a beginner wears them regardless.
"O" I aint going near them without gloves, if i need a finer touch I have Tiger grip gloves, these are almost twice the thickness of the std blue nitrile, im happy to pick up a wire brush and not get needled !
Lol Pete....have heard this so does have SOME truth to it but we get on fine if we only have dark things to wear.

Now black woolly gloves would be a 'helpful' suggestion.....

They do, however, try to cover the black bits of my digital camera in propolis .. as soon as I get the camera out there are immediately bees on it ... whether it's the black or the camera I'm not sure.

I don't think I have much else around the bees that is black so I really don't know.
I couldn't find my marigolds from last year. I know I had cleaned them and stored them safely. So I put my suit we were checking stores today. OH offered me some rather grumpily I put them on. When I got to the Bee Yard...I flicked my hood up...only to discover my marigolds!
Anyway....carried on with the nitriles but soon found they ripped when caught in the back to the marigolds for me.
Anyway....carried on with the nitriles but soon found they ripped when caught in the back to the marigolds for me.

Are you sure they were nitriles he gave you and not latex ? ...The latex disposables do tear very easily but you usually have to be pretty brutal with nitriles to make them tear ... they are sold for mechanics to use when repairing vehicles so they have to be pretty tough. I wear them over the top of my marigolds as its saves a lot of cleaning - even if they do get a bit ripped if you get them well stuck with propolis. I also find that the additional layer over the marigolds stops any chance of a sting going through (not that I get too many stings from my bees but they do have the occasional 'off day' and then I'm glad of the extra layer).
I think you are right...they must have been latex....totally useless. I remember he had blue ones and the ones he gave me were cream coloured. I think the blue ones were too big for my hands but might be ok over marigolds. I have found all the propolis just dissolves if I dip my gloves in a solution of washing soda and water.
Just noticed the I could buy some....ordered now.....thank you
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