Getting nervous now

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Queen Bee
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
Longsight, Manchester, UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
None, although I have my eye on one ( Just don't tell Dusty ;) )
I am quite sure that our VQ emerged on the 18th June, from her behaviour and the behaviour of the bees, also from dates with regards to capping of QCs. I closed up and haven't been in there since. My plan was to leave them to it for a couple of weeks, as I know it can take up to 5 weeks for a VQ to mate and come into lay. I just need some reassurance I suppose, up until now I was so sure they were just doing their thing. I don't know why, but I am now starting to worry about laying workers, what ifs etc....

I was planning on having a look on Monday, as we had that really good weather at the start of this week, then if she used those days she would then have a few days to settle back in and start laying. What time of day should I check? The only choices are dinner time - 12 to 1pm, or after school - 3:30pm. I have to take one of the teachers who is interested you see.

I need to go in as they were filling the super back up very quickly at the point we saw Madge, and the brood chamber was being used to store a heck of a lot. I want them to have enough room for her to lay when she needs to, and not have it all packed to the rafters with honey ( I know, I know, chance would be a fine thing lol )

What should I do?
weather has been quite good for last week or so. she may well be mated.
however, why not just add another super and leave it a week. if the bees need space for HM to start laying they'll move the nectar up.
My -Q hive is also filling the brood frames with uncapped honey. This i presume is normal as they do not need it for brood, and will move it when needed.

My last queen was about 5 weeks before i saw any eggs. I did notice several mating flights, where all my surrounding hives were also getting very excited.
I've been saying we need money for equipment for months now, but there have been no moves to do anything about it. We have a super, but no frames. I am arranging a meeting now to try and get the money from the head tomorrow.

Don't get me started. I have repeated many times we need equipment ready and waiting for when it's needed, but they just leave me to scramble about hoping our mentor will donate. Thing is, I'm no expert. I am learning this stuff as I go along and as each problem arises. I have told them I cannot forsee exactly what we need but for sure need supers, frames and at least one extra set up ready and waiting for when I may need it. Nothing. :cuss:

So, I will scramble around over the weekend and try and scrounge some frames. A stupid way of keeping bees.
kazmcc - why not get some equipment yourself (clearly marked). so for example - if the bees fill up YOUR super frames the honey is YOURS. if they fill up the project one then it belongs to the project.
I have considered this before, the problem is I just don't have the money at the moment. I'm on my own with 3 kids. Otherwise I would have just left the project and got my own bees, as they take liberties with me I think. It would be a lot less stressful too, and I wouldn't feel my hands are tied at every turn. I love doing this stuff for the school, but jeez, some help please!
Perhaps we could launch a BKF "adopt-a-kaz" scheme"?

donations of funds and/or equipment in exchange for a cut of the crop.

It would also provide a baying mob of legitimately interested parties for next time someone interferes (polite way of saying it) with the hive(s).
Kaz, have you tried telling the head that the bees are much more likely to swarm if you don't have the right amount of equipment?
Perhaps we could launch a BKF "adopt-a-kaz" scheme"?

donations of funds and/or equipment in exchange for a cut of the crop.

It would also provide a baying mob of legitimately interested parties for next time someone interferes (polite way of saying it) with the hive(s).

LOL. You've all adopted me anyway it feels like :)

I shall impress on the head teacher the urgency. For those who are thinking of getting involved in a scheme like this, firstly, make sure the main keeper has the funds and can access equipment when needed. Also, bear in mind that just because you work with staff, doesn't mean the head knows anything about what's going on or the situation. Today, they are on strike, tomorrow, I will find her and let her know what's been going on, if she doesn't know. I think I'll be able to get some cash from her for frames and foundation at least. Then get a rocket up everyones backsides starting next week, until we find more funds. An email a day reminding them I think at first, until they get sick of hearing from me ;)
I would suggest telling your head the following.

Every colony needs a min of three supers + excluder + clearer board. Less than three supers = swarming issues and a 2nd hive but she knows this of course? (hollow laugh)

How are you planning on extracting your honey?

"How are you planning on extracting your honey?"

i thought they were assuming that neighbours would just help themselves to frames as they saw fit.
Yeah, I think I may have frightened the well meaning intruders away now lol. I may be a twig, but I have a big gob on me when I get started ;)

We were told we could use the extracting set up at Heaton Park. I've not heard anything so far, but I am assured we'll be welcome. I don't know how I'll get it there as I don't drive, so the person who has arranged all this will have to come up with transport. I know other parents who would be willing to help though, I'm vice chair of the parents group. I will approach them soon if I get no joy from the head.

I shouldn't be having to do this though should I?
I shouldn't be having to do this though should I?

Probably not. However, it looks like if you don't no-one else will!

Well done for doing as much as you have though not worthy
Hi Kaz
Seems your Head needs to be 'Educated' with the ways of bee management. Head teacher and no sense. Use that 'Gob' (your quote) of yours and get some equipment in. Easier said than done I expect. But if the school wants this as a project they should equipe you correctly. Very best of luck with your efforts.
kind regards
Thanks everyone. I try and do my best for them. I knew nothing at all when we got the bees, and would not advise anyone to go about keeping them in the same way as we have. We've been lucky so far, that I found such an excellent resource as this forum, and I pick things up quite quickly. The head has pretty much left us to the project, and I think she'll be annoyed that I'm being given the run around in this way. I reckon she'll give us some cash towards the frames, then with her behind me get everyone together and get things moving. People shouldn't volunteer for things if they are not willing to commit. I have this problem in the Gardening Club, the difference there is I hold all the money for that, so can get things when needed.
If you are buying frames, do look around for the best price and do consider seconds. I have just ordered some Th06nes seconds from C Wynne Jones. I ordered 100 SN1s Thursday late morning by telephone (and had a very nice chat with the lady on the 'phone). They arrived yesterday before 9am. I've just made up 75 of them with a total loss of only two bottom bars, which I think is pretty good for seconds.

Obviously, a non-scientific sample of only one order, but I will definitely be ordering from them again (and no, no connections with the firm at all!)