Forgot to destroy queencups after split🙄

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New Bee
Apr 16, 2017
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Have the one national and saw yesterday that had a good few queen cells with larva in them, split them today, put the queen and frames into Nuc and left the other hive queenless hoping they'll make their own queen soon. Afterwards cause I was in a rush I forgot to destroy all queen cells in Nuc and also destroy extra queen cells in original hive to just two queen cells. Should they be fine or should I destroy them tomorrow?
If the nuc is near the original hive then the foragers will return to the original hive and the bees in the nuc will tear down the QC's. Same as Modified Snellgrove II.
The original now queenless hive will start to build emergency QC which they can continue to do for approx 6 days. I would go back into the original hive in 7 days and pick the best looking QC and remove the rest. Your original QC's weren't capped so you've got at least 8 days before any virgin emerges.

The advantage of going back to the orginal queenless hive earlier is that you can choose an open QC with a larvae visible to keep then as Jenkins say's destroy the rest. You will still need to go back in to destroy those emergence QC's.

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