Neither have I, which is why I'm keen to try it - and some of the frames I have are so old that the propolis lining is really reducing the diameter of the cell, plus I've colonies with chalkbrood that I'm determined to clean up, with a new queen in the spring and fresh comb was to go alongside that approach. Several other beekeepers have told me their shook swarms built up better for the summer flow and I've no reason to disbelieve them, I only get one crop from my home apiary and that's mostly heather so a slow build-up isn't necessarily a bad thing for me. I'm curious, though I know there's a bit of a backlash currently against shook-swarming - just like there is for and against AMM bees, I like to try different things before I decide if it's for me or not though - beekeeping is a very local thing I think and some of the combs in nearly all need replacing so was thinking that doing them all in one year would mean I knew where I was as, back issues allowing, I'm going to double my numbers next year as I've been obsessed with beekeeping since I started in 2015 - find it really helps with my mh and autism to enter bee-time and be outside with nature.