First snow last night.

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Pretty breezy down here and cold but by comparison to the North East and Parts of the West it's nothing to get excited about. We are very fortunate down here in the Costa del Fareham - snow is a rarity and with these Northerly winds we are sheltered by Portsdown hill behind us - the tops of ny garden trees are taking a bit of a hammering and there won't be too many leaves on them and a few small branches are littering the garden but that's about it. I feel for those on the Eastern scottish coast ... looks horrendous.
saw some trees down over the lane of the farm behind me - that will teach the bloke who built that bungalow that trees, left to their own devices don't stay the same cutesy size as when he planted them
One of my sons competing in RAC rally

Stages cancelled in Cumbria today some crews and Marshalls marooned on the stages.overnight

Restarting in Welshpool tomorrow (hopefully)

Storm force winds in Southern Hampshire but hives intact so far
Caravan blown over in the village.
My neighbours plastic shed he had at the bottom of his garden has gone, while trying to find my inspection boards earlier walking out on the common I found it in a dingle, Know inspection boards found.
Was wild in the North Sea last night , we clocked 80mph winds and 43ft waves ..........meanwhile back home those 15kg blocks of fondant held the hives down!
Heavy snow here in the Pennines, our lane cut off so no grocery delivery, got cleared by tractor later in the afternoon. Electricity off for 6 hours & in local town. Hives covered in snow and roofs iced down. Inspection boards have been in for a while now, just one with small amount of brood cappings, should be broodless & able to sublimate in about 10 days I think.
Heavy snow here in the Pennines, our lane cut off so no grocery delivery, got cleared by tractor later in the afternoon. Electricity off for 6 hours & in local town. Hives covered in snow and roofs iced down. Inspection boards have been in for a while now, just one with small amount of brood cappings, should be broodless & able to sublimate in about 10 days I think.

Wow thats come round fast , feels like only the other day I gave them the Autumn treatment!