Fire up the camcorder, let's see what a week's achieved!

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Camcorder on charge, waiting for the sun to come out and the temp to rise a bit.

I'll try and do exactly the same inspection, so we can see how much further they've filled out. I will TRY to see the queen this time too, but hopefully there'll be lots of eggs, or more probably larvae, so eye-balling the Head Honcho won't be critical.

I'm guessing they'll only have a few frames left to use by now, so I'll have to get an order in for a second storey at Chez Buzz.

More later, hopefully with a vid so you can virtually inspect with me :)

Remember NO Ohhhhh'ss and Ahhhh's !!!

More technical commentary today....LOL
Yes, Sarrrr!

I have my beautiful assistant to help today - she's the one with the lumpier front :)

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