Energy consumption in the hive

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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
Finland, Helsinki
Hive Type
It was a question, how much a colony consumes energy and how much it produces heat.

The watt (symbol: W) is a unit of power. In the International System of Units (SI) it is defined as a derived unit of 1 joule per second,

Joule is 1 W per second.

One kilo sugar has about 17.000.000 J

1 month has 2.592.000 seconds

How big is the power if 1 kg sugar is used in a month (30 days)

= 6.6 W

2 kg sugar in a month = 13 W

It varies quite much, how much bees consume sugar/month and produce heat. But if a hive has 20 kg sugar in the hive, it cannot use more.

We have national "winter hive balance" system, but it is not accurate, because hives are under rain and their weigh varies, how water goes into wooden parts and how it comes out.

First there are several months when out temps are 0-10C. Consumption is about 1 kg/month.

Then snow period, when temps are 0- -20C. Then consumption is about 2 kg/month.

When spring and brooding starts, the hive consumes 4 kg/week. It is lots of pollen stores too what they eate.

Our hives consumes in 7 month 10 kg sugar and the rest sugar they consume in last 2 months. If they consume faster, they die if the beekeeper does not add food. .......... Big story.

In a cellar bees a big hive consumes 2 kg/month according measuring. Why, I do not know. As much as outside.

If our hives have brooding in autumn, it will die before december. They consume 20-30 kg in 3 months.

I use terrarium heaters like this

6-15 W in normal hives

3 W in 4 frames nucs.

When day temps are 17C, bees start to ventilate the hive, because it is too hot.

20 W is absolutely too hot, when I kept it in the hive.

Balance hives

Here is one hive which has consumed 4 kg in 5 months

Here is another , 8 kg at same time 5 months.
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