Emergency queen has swarmed. What do I do with the original colony.

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user 20297

Queen Bee
Jan 18, 2021
Reaction score
Apologies for being lazy, but I'm hoping for a shortcut to resolving a dilemma.
The situation as described arose because I didn't thin out queen cells after a split. So I assume there may be another or several or no queens in the small colony left behind. I haven't looked in yet, but I think I ought to. I'm wondering what I should expect to see and do..if anything? ;)
Release any more queens. All of them and hope for the best
Thank-you. I presume any queen will already have emerged around the end of last week, so they may already have had a murdering spree; they will certainly all have emerged.
i had the same issue last week and was advised to release all of them . 1 further swarm left the hive ( perching 15 metres up & disappearing) since then the hive has calmed down .good look.
I opened the hive and quickly discovered a lovely new queen...very plump and dark, and for someone who has never handled one before, relatively calm. So I was able to mark her (another first) and went on to find one open and several capped queen cells on two frames. I'm not sure these could still be viable since the split was done eighteen days ago, but I destroyed all bar two large ones on one frame, from which I made a small nuc which may be doomed to failure.

I've experienced a lot of new practical beekeeping today....maybe a bit too much. But I'll call it a win if my colony number stays the same as it was and I'll be delighted if I'm up by a couple. :)

Thank-you again.

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