Double brood…when to remove bottom box

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Drone Bee
May 27, 2020
Reaction score
North Cumbria
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I aim for 4…often becomes 6
I have a couple of colonies overwintering on double brood. I’ve been intending to reduce them to single brood in preparation for demareeing in the Spring.

Would now be the time to remove the bottom bb and will it likely be empty?
I remove the bottom box when I do my first inspection as it is always empty then.
Too soon to be opening up hives. It is the only just March with temperatures in single digits here.
Do you literally find that the bottom box is always empty….no stores or bees?
Do you literally find that the bottom box is always empty….no stores or bees?
First inspection is usually in April, the bees typically are fitting nicely in a single (always the top) BS National Deep then. However my first decent flow isn't until May usually.
First inspection is usually in April, the bees typically are fitting nicely in a single (always the top) BS National Deep then. However my first decent flow isn't until May usually.
What’s your strategy after removing the bottom bb?
What’s your strategy after removing the bottom bb?
I would just leave them build up and add boxes as needed.
My preferred swarm control method is Demaree, so I do a Demaree once they have built up enough in the single Brood.
I add the Demareed deep box under the brood when I end the Demaree.
You mean when it’s full of honey….to provide their winter stores?
I usually end the Demaree after "one round" so to speak.
I don't continuously cycle brood up from the bottom box as some do.
So usually after 3 weeks they have back filled the Demareed box and the bees in the brood box usually need more space. So I add the Demareed box underneath. The bees move most of the honey up to the supers, the queen will move down and lay there and then I typically run the colony as a double brood .

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