Don't call me scarface

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Went to the wasteland bees after work as I am still sore thinking that swarm on Friday might have been mine and knowing that would have been fair enough because I didn't inspect all the boxes last week. Found 5 queens in 5 boxes, including a virgin that has replaced the one I paid good money for. The recycling company want their bees in 2 weeks', but they said they didn't mind about the virgin thank goodness. I put a test frame in the nuc as there are no polished cells yet in there and it is feeling like there ought to be by now.

I got stung quite a lot through my suit because although I have smoker and fuel at the apiary, I had no way of lighting it and by 8pm the foragers were all back and mardy. It seems that every fresh round of stings reminds the ones on my face to swell up again.

There is a flow on again. I had to put another super on the colony that was beginining to fill the brood box because it had brought in so much. I hope it is lime. I will need to make up more frames.

News is that some of the II and free mated queens are laying properly, so soon I will be replacing last year's queens.

I got a phonecall from the family with the swarm from last Friday. It moved on at lunchtime today (Monday) when it was sunny. They don't know where. I went over to look and although there were a few bees sniffing around the bait hive I'd put in their garden, it definitely wasn't the swarm.

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