Does this look like swarm preparations?

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Oct 22, 2015
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Hello everyone,

One of my hives is displaying a new behaviour and they are gathering round the entrance. None of the other hives are doing this. The weather is overcast and 14.4 degrees. Time is 10h10.

Please see picture attached - does this look like they're getting ready to go?

I'm at home all day today so will be keeping a close eye on them. Last inspected 5 days ago - no queen cells present.


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Thanks for your reply

They're in a single brood box - they are what remained after a swarm which happened about 4 weeks ago. I removed the QCs and re-queened. So I suppose in theory they should have plenty of room. They have not been putting much in the super. They seem to be one of the less successful colonies (one reason for requeening)

An hour further on from the pic and they are still there in the same numbers - but thinking about it, perhaps I'm over reacting. I've been on red alert ever since my first/recent swarm experience.
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Type in Google 'bees wash boarding' and watch the video, quite interesting!
Mine are getting a bit like this but I am reluctant to remove the entrance block. Maybe I should just do it?
I think this behaviour is to do with guarding the entrance to prevent robbing.
I think this behaviour is to do with guarding the entrance to prevent robbing.

Interesting. I took a look in the hive at midday. This is one of five I have and it is the only one one two supers and they have capped five frames. Perhaps they are being targeted for their success
They may just be proactive. If you have got time to stand and stare, which I obviously have, watch them on a busy day as all the incoming bees will have to squeeze their way in with a little bit of frisking going on.
I've had huge colonies without full width entrances - I don't think it's necessary.
I run all my hives with reduced entrances all year round.
The only real way to know is get in there and inspect for queen cells, queen, BIAS and any thing unusual.

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