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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
We have all done it and this time I did it in style. Fully confident that they were all backed up on an exterior HD I deleted our honeymooon pics off the relevant cards.

Hmm.... and so the cries went up, waily waily, they are lost...

Bought Micromart and lo a tool was featured. TestDisk. Also with that program is another photorec, and I have used that today to pull off the cards the lost pics. Not the most intuitive of tools to use but by crikey it works, and what's more... Dear Beekeepers, it is FREE!

Oh and in the mag was an article on search engines, and in passing really for a laugh it mentioned, Yummly, a search engine for recipes in which you can filter out items and get the remaining recipes that might suit you.

The wife is over the moon with it as she can now filter out wheat and dairy and pick from hundreds of choices.

An excellent £2 spend this issue. Julie is very very pleased both over the food and getting the pics back, as of course am I. :)

I think my wedding/honeymoon would almost class as vintage/antique!! Definitely not 'on a card' fact our photographer never gave us the negatives - he then died and his stocks were copies for us!!
If there is a search engine called Yummly there must be an opportunity for another site called Joanna - which could be used to find the best brands of champagne, caviar, etc.

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