Cyprus Queens?

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Field Bee
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
Somerset, UK.
Hive Type
Number of Hives
7: 1 KTBH . 3 14x12 , 1 Long fondationless 14x12 + 2 Nat +some empty ones :(
Post removed by Admin after members complaints regarding advertising.
i think i have read there website.Breeder Qs can fetch a high price,but they do sale cheeper Qs i see.
I did wonder if that was Norton.
I live near a local bee farmer, and he regularly buys breeder queens from France for about 500 Euros each, so about right!

I didn't even pick up the cage for fear of dropping it last time he showed one to me.
Shows how much out of touch with the price of queens I am! Or maybe I'm just a tight ar*e!
seems good value
Post removed by Admin after members complaints regarding advertising.

Me thinks this is a bit harsh.

I know and respect the no advertising rule but this was posted by a member and not Norton Its not as though he is cheaper than uk suppliers.
Me thinks this is a bit harsh.

I know and respect the no advertising rule but this was posted by a member and not Norton Its not as though he is cheaper than uk suppliers.

I agree Tom,expect a member will post up a Th0rnes or some such place price list soon,bet that won't get removed though.
Funny how the two members who say its harsh are both traders ;)
Admin - off to take a paranoid pill...
i think i have read there website.Breeder Qs can fetch a high price,but they do sale cheeper Qs i see.

I agree they do sell cheaper bees, but I was quoting the breeder queen price. I stand corrected on the accepted rate for B/Queens, Ill have to save up!:)

It was unfortunate the price list was 'pulled' as I said it was not intended as a advert. I was more concerned with the tone of the ad at the end, also with being requested to send monies to Cyprus upfront (I know they also have a UK account) I have no idea who owns, or care who owns the company. The email I received was unsolicited, to an email address I rarely use, so I thought I would pass it on for comment in case it was a scam. We are always being told on this forum "buyer beware"

What ever could you mean?????:rolleyes:
TBR if you were a queen breeder, would you send say 150 queens to someone you did not know in Cyprus, without first being paid. Or anything else you were selling come to that.
Traders list

I know when I was looking for Nortons address it was
frustrating and annoying that could not find it.

Could we not have a list with address's contact Nos Email
but with no direct links. you want a web address copy it down
and then mail or log on off site, no adverts just a list.
A request to admim to add a supplier and only added by Mark

getting coat it near bed time any way....
Re. price of breeder queens.

If you intend to rear a few hundred queens (as some do) then it's well worth investing in something that will produce good results. I could show you half a dozen "perfect" queens among my stock, but I don't know if they'll be good queen mothers. A breeder queen not only heads a good colony, but has also produced good daughter queens, and that's why she's worth a lot.
I am doing a list.
The plan is to finish it off soon as the nights are drawng in.

I know when I was looking for Nortons address it was
frustrating and annoying that could not find it.

Could we not have a list with address's contact Nos Email
but with no direct links. you want a web address copy it down
and then mail or log on off site, no adverts just a list.
A request to admim to add a supplier and only added by Mark

getting coat it near bed time any way....
I am doing a list.
The plan is to finish it off soon as the nights are drawng in.

There you are,I knew something good would come of the post!:D
Was this my list that was posted on the forum?
As regards payment: Our terms are strictly prepayment, first to make sure the orders are not scams. Second because we have not been paid by some customers that were sent queens on credit - -one of them mentioned often on here and that was for over 1K.
If they think we are breeding queens for a hobby then they are wrong.
It was unfortunate the price list was 'pulled' as I said it was not intended as a advert. I was more concerned with the tone of the ad at the end, also with being requested to send monies to Cyprus upfront ... The email I received was unsolicited, to an email address I rarely use, so I thought I would pass it on for comment in case it was a scam. We are always being told on this forum "buyer beware"...

Was this my list that was posted on the forum?
As regards payment: Our terms are strictly prepayment...

Having dealt with forum postings and "advertising", what of the matter of the unsolicited email being sent to someone who had never previously had any dealings with the business?

Doubtless the queens are excellent and the business is perfectly honest, but sending out spam mail to unknown recipients, mentioning prepayment overseas, does not seem like the most successful form of Public Relations ...
I'm afraid that I too would have simply thought :spam: and scam.

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