Crowd Funding

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Bob Bee

House Bee
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
20 plus a few 14x 12s, nukes and apidea
I'm involved with 5 non profit, Voluntary/Community groups and activities and need to raise money over the winter for 4 projects:
Bee sites project in Cornwall
Equipment for Community Soul Band
Mixed ability' inclusive' singing group, studio time
Local Beek association apiary

I'd like some feedback ( and maybe even some support) from forum members and wonder if I could have some positive feedback on the first attempt at crowd funding. Bear in mind its aimed the public and not specifically at Beeks.
( I've got my tin hat firmly on )
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What is crowd funding?

Crowdfunding is a bit like Dragon's Den on the internet. You pitch your idea or project and look for investors. You will find business pitches, where the payback for the investor is a genuine return on their investment. You also find charity/social projects where the "investor" gets a token reward. Unfortunately there are also some masquerading as social projects but are actually just trying to get something for nothing, giving out token rewards and taking all the real rewards themselves. It's a shame because crowdfunding is a great concept really.
I'm not allowed to post my kickstarter appeal, the links been edited out, I suppose its viewed as advertising or linking to your own site etc. I've cobbled
together an appeal and had hoped to get some feedback. Probably the only way I could show anyone would be private message. I doubt this one will get funded but its an exercises in learning how to do it for me.
the way to do it is via Facebook and Twitter. Promote it to your friends, who then cascade it to their friends etc.
It's also a test for yourself - would I be proud to ask my own friends and family to dig into their own pockets for this? If the answer is "yes" you are probably onto a winner. If "no" then you have little chance of success.
Drop me a p.m. with the links and I'll give you an honest appraisal.

I've found it. Can I cheekily suggest this as a backing track:

It's a nicely put together appeal but you need to offer some proper rewards IMHO. If you're asking people to be generous you have to be too. Other than that, well done.
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PM sent.... :)
Bob... have you tried the **** Cornwall Development Fund?

A stash of funding available in impoverished areas from Government, EU and Lottery
Small amounts of grants for community projects available...... but each project is taken on its merits.. and the paperwork is horrendous.

We got some beehive funding for our Community Orchard by selling "Honey futures" in the village..... 3 lbs of honey over 3 years ( or however long it takes) for £15 up front, and then got it "match funded" with a community grant.

Not quite sure what the governments criteria for impoverished are, but most of Cornwall comes into the category!impoverished

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Bob... have you tried the **** Cornwall Development Fund?

A stash of funding available in impoverished areas from Government, EU and Lottery
Small amounts of grants for community projects available...... but each project is taken on its merits.. and the paperwork is horrendous.

We got some beehive funding for our Community Orchard by selling "Honey futures" in the village..... 3 lbs of honey over 3 years ( or however long it takes) for £15 up front, and then got it "match funded" with a community grant.

Not quite sure what the governments criteria for impoverished are, but most of Cornwall comes into the category!impoverished

Yep went there first, but wrong criteria, wont fund kit and insisted that we owned the property. May go back there later though once things are established.
Ask your nearest Waitrose if they'll do one of the green token schemes for you.

Ask your Town Hall or Mayer for a small donation from their community fund - it may only be £25, but is better than nothing.
Is crowd funding a modern way of describing begging?
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