Commercial queens

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New Bee
Apr 21, 2011
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Wondering. Does anyone have the low down on what types of queens that are used as a preferred choice by commercial bee farmers. Bearing in mind inspection times are bound to be limited and somewhat more clinical
The ones I would think most of them breed themselves, in an attempt to keep costs down more than anything else.
Location is an important factor. A bee farmer in Dorset is using Buckfasts. The breeder queens came from Denmark but he has his own programme to breed the numbers required in the UK.

However, the Buckfast does not seem to do as well in Scotland.

A Finnish bee farmer I know uses Buckfasts and Italians, all imported from places like France and Italy. The mix and source is more to do with how many queens he can get, than preference for a specific type as he needs large numbers and a single breeder may not be able to supply enough.
carniolan's are becomming a popular choice.
Buckfast Queens for me..... Bought in ....
I have tried various sources for them as do not have time to breed my own....
As I have a "Real " job too......
Also had Italian queens earlier on with some success...
I have Langstroth Jumbo hives to accomodate them and IF they get beyond 9 frames of brood I reduce them by making up a Nuc.
They will sometimes fill the entire 10 frame box with brood if not held back....
are you somewhere near coral bay? coming to cyprus on 29th april, it would be nice to visit some beeks
Buckfasts I would always vouch for nucleus production but I have a large amount of colonys that are Carniolans now. All of which are bought in.
Beefarmers intent on managing sustainable apiaries raise their own queens from their own locally adapted stock.

I'd like to see some sort of Code of Practice for sustainability in beekeeping. Exactly how you define that would be a nightmare of course.
Wondering. Does anyone have the low down on what types of queens that are used as a preferred choice by commercial bee farmers. Bearing in mind inspection times are bound to be limited and somewhat more clinical
Hi I use Buckfast queens & breed them myself as best I can! I find them quiet on the comb making inspection much quicker, and they do the job well for getting honey etc.

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