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House Bee
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
uk; bedfordshire
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Hi all, an odd situation today - wouldn't mind your views..

Over the past few days I have noticed about 20/50 bees clinging under the mesh hive on the outside, didn't think much about it - thoght maybe some syrup had dripped through. Did an inspection yesterday - all fine, queen spotted, eggs, brood, stores etc. Today, bees were a bit lively they were gathering outside around the cover boards just under the super covers (beehaus) and again, thought they could sense the feeder within so didn't worry too much... then, noticed a cluster of about 500 bees under the mesh floor! So - opened up the hive again today to check queen was there and she hadn't escaped during my inspection yesterday, and flown underneath - she was on a frame and seemed happy as usual, no apiguard so no bad smells - they have about 3 frames of foundation so enough room. All very odd. I had restricted the opening to about 2 bee size holes but today opened it up to about 4 bee size holes (they are a new nuc got them start of Aug).

Any one got any clues about this behaviour? they seem ok under the mesh floor, just like a mini-swarm (they are my bees by the way for sure).

Advice please, should I worry?

Im thinking they could be there to stop a draught - way of controlling temperature/ventilation maybe, or they may have been robbed recently and could be a reaction to that,

apart from those thoughts im really quite unsure