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EDIT: Actually, it's a bit "unkind" to call them nucs. They are more like an 8-frame hive with a removable (in the Langstroth) frame feeder.

I can't wait for the national version of this
I can't wait for the national version of this

I have limited experience with them (only bought mine last summer) but...a few things to watch out for:

The screw that you attach the circular entrance disk with is far too long. It will go all the way through the front wall and into the frame inside.
The perspex cover board is a pain. It has to be positioned just right or the roof will not fit on properly. I will probably replace them with slightly oversize bits of this ( ). I like it slightly bigger all round so the roof pushes down and seals it in place. It takes far less time with a cover like this than those fiddley perspex sheets.

I like the small entrance and underfloor ventilation. They're great for introducing a newly mated queen with a couple of frames of bees. It's just enough so they can defend themselves while they build up the population. The ones I tried late last summer (Aug-sept) drew out 3 combs of foundation and got so strong that I had to promote them to full hives as I didn't have any extension boxes. Now that I have the extension boxes, I'd be inclined to let them over winter in these.
I can't wait for the national version of this

I hope they keep them as they are, though can glue the feeder in place I suppose, but just another job and another place for wax moth.
I can't wait for the national version of this

Not sure about these as not seen 1 in person but before any produced a Nat poly I used swienty Lang’s for national. It was simply a case of cutting a piece of 3/4 ply to form back wall and create rest for frames. A well cut piece with the edges siliconed then formed a feeder with th addition of float
I still have four of those 6 frame Langstroths which I bodged into National with the feeder.

Why they are calling a BB an extension I just don't understand. Why confuse what is already a nightmare of terminology for beginners with yet another term.

I bought over the winter 8 floors, roofs, feeders and 8 BB's so I can run them as singles over the summer and then winter four on doubles.

I still have four of those 6 frame Langstroths which I bodged into National with the feeder.

Why they are calling a BB an extension I just don't understand. Why confuse what is already a nightmare of terminology for beginners with yet another term.

I suppose it's because you are extending the brood area.
Well yes but we already have single brood and double brood in common usage.


Why they are calling a BB an extension I just don't understand. Why confuse what is already a nightmare of terminology for beginners with yet another term. ...


I suppose, in the case of Paynes nucs, it might be because the floor is fixed to the first box - unlike hives where you can swap boxes around.