Clearer/escape board

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House Bee
Sep 2, 2012
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Rainham, kent
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Having not used one yet which methods do you use that you find effective for clearing supers, time wise and stress free for the bees? I'm interested to hear of how effective the 8 way or the double quebec escape perform..
+1 I have these too. Beautifully made by Jimmys dad!

All these beekeepers in agreement!
The one EricA mentioned is what I use, thanks polyhive.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but a standard rhombus works pretty well for me. Depends on what the bees are thinking, but overnight/next day is usually fine.
I'm going to try an 8-way this year.

One important thing is that the 'headspace' under all these escapes needs to be *much* more than a beespace! An eke of at least 2 or 3 inches is called for.
I have a rim tall enough to 'hide' a feeder when the boards-with-holes are flipped the other way up.

If you want the bees cleared in seconds, get a leaf-blower. Thats what many beefarmers tend to use...
Thanks everyone. I have a standard rhombus board atm but am thinking of also puting the half rhombus escapes in either corner, making it even more effective. I will also make the lip larger as above.