Cleaning Poly Hives

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New Bee
Feb 7, 2013
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I have been offered Poly National hives what is the best way to clean them?
3% hot lye solution is best in that job. Hot melts the wax and resins and lye bins it to soap form. That is normal procedure for example to clean old frames.

It is difficult to wash boxes with 20C water.

In Denmark professional loan hot stem washers and clean with pressure the loosen wax. Lye sterilize all living creatures.

I think that washing soda is too tame in this job. Handling time are really long.

On clean surfaces Virkon S is too meant to sterilize mikrobia instead of clorides.Of course cloride sterilize but it does not loosen wax and resins.

.Here is Paradise Honey's advices to clean boxes. Maintenance... FINLAND pesäharja EN.doc

Just cleaning a few myself. Scrub with wire scourer/ stiff brush/ scraper and washing soda. Try to remove all traces of wax/ propolis/ debris but be careful that on poly hives, the corners and edges abrade easily. Then dip in bleach solution. You will need something to weight them down! I use a heavy block, pulled down by a spanset strap. If you can't dip fully, partially immerse for contact time until all parts have been dipped. Then scrub with bleach solution. Gloves and specs advisable.

I use a loft-type water container to dip poly nucs - they generally come out clean and bright.

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