Cleaning a smoker

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House Bee
Jan 3, 2016
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How's the best way to clean a smoker , it's a dadant I had as a present and want to look after it ( obviously). :)
Blowlamp - give the tarry bits a good blast until it bubbles and burns - it will then cool to a brittle coke which will crumble off easily using a small scraper/putty knife.
That's how I clean my Dadant
I put wood shavings in and pump it up!

Bit of a double edged sword in that, it gets hot enough to burn off all deposits but will discolour the outside!
Do you clean them? Use a fuel that doesn't create too much tar. A smoker is like a pipe, you don't want to get it too clean, a slight coating of coke will help it light and burn.
I submerge mine (not the bellows) in a solution of washing soda overnight, usually once a week. I then find a light bit of agitation with a brush followed by a rinse off brings it up like new. I normally use the tub of solution that I keep my hive tools in, just fill it up a bit more so I can submerge it.
Oxygen and acetylene burning torch, a bit drastic but a quick blast with the oxygen blows the carbon away in seconds

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How's the best way to clean a smoker , it's a dadant I had as a present and want to look after it ( obviously). :)

Mine's a Dadant too, brilliant smoker.

I try to burn less-tarry fuel, but there are still tarry deposits. I soak the whole thing in a bucket of washing soda and then rinse in clean water. This doesn't harm the bellows, and it does clean off anything that might have been transferred to them during inspections.
Dish washer
steel polish

That's how to make it look nice.:paparazzi:

I only get to the Blowlamp stage

I then add Copperease round the closure rim... and replace every 5=6 uses.. no stickees.
I use steel wool, ('orrible stuff!), to clean around the area where the spout and firebox overlap, when it needs doing
What is the point in cleaning them, they will only get mucky again. :rolleyes:

they get clarted up - lid difficult to remove when cold and even harder to get a snug fit when closing it - a lot of tar build up inside the lid can also make the smoke rather unpleasant.
they get clarted up - lid difficult to remove when cold and even harder to get a snug fit when closing it - a lot of tar build up inside the lid can also make the smoke rather unpleasant.

I was just messing, a flat screw driver deals with the deposit much similar as it does to the fire door, i draw the line at brillo pads and vim.
they get clarted up - lid difficult to remove when cold and even harder to get a snug fit when closing it - a lot of tar build up inside the lid can also make the smoke rather unpleasant.

They work much better when they're not blocked.
I find that Dadants generate so much heat in the box (oooerr - expect another snidey remark from the 'new' troll) that the only part where you get buildup is in the lid and nozzle